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Our Services > Yard Maintenance
Yard Maintenance
Viv’s Care, our goal is to provide you with the support you need to maintain a comfortable and well-kept home environment, allowing you to focus on the activities and hobbies you enjoy.
As a general rule, if a person can't perform a task – like vacuuming or mowing the lawn –because of their disability, the NDIS can fund it.
If a task requires a specialist, regardless of whether the person has a disability or not – such as hiring an electrician to rewire a socket – it
won't be covered by the NDIS.
NDIS Funding guidelines:
Funded Tasks:
Tasks that the NDIS can fund typically include those that a person is
unable to perform due to their disability. This includes activities such as:
Mowing the Lawn
Cleaning and Dusting
Laundry and Ironing
Grocery Shopping
Meal Preparation
Yard Maintenance
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